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When I was growing up with bipolar disorder, my mom took it really easy on me. I never had chores, never had to make my bed and certainly didn’t learn extra life skills like sewing or cooking. It just wasn’t on the table for me – I had bigger things on my plate to master like OCD and bipolar mood swings.

Looking back, I think that my mom made the right choice in not putting extra pressures on me. But when I became older and got my first apartment, I had no idea how to pick up after myself. I would leave dirty dishes everywhere and would send my laundry home for my mom to do because I had anxiety about learning how to use a new washer and dryer. I lived off takeout. It just wasn’t good.

Now that im 25 and have been living on my own for 6 years, I’ve learned the basics of cooking and can do the dishes. But it was hard for me at first and took a long time to learn and get in the routine. I still think my mom made the right choice in not making me do much as a kid but my adult years have truly been a challenge.