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Yep that’s it..almost time to move on from the 1 bedroom apartment I lived in for 3 years. This is all of the stuff I’ve accumulated in that time period – it’s a lot of stuff, which I’m storing in my parents house until my house is ready.

For some reason, the more my stuff grows the more depressed I feel. That’s only 3/4 of my stuff…its the most important things I own. 1/4 of it I gave away or threw away prior to moving. If I had more stuff, it wouldn’t have fit in half of the garage.

When I look at all of my things, I don’t feel immense joy. However, when I look at all of the old photos I have or receive a warm hug from a loved one – that is what brings me joy. You see, material things and money does not bring happiness. I learned this the hard way over the years…from having a shopping problem and buying so much random stuff to selling it when I became broke. Going through this cycle of materialism is not happiness.

My only goal in life is to be happy. Right now I would say that I have so many happy moments throughout the day and overall I know joy. But im not a consistently joyful person — and I know those people exist because I have met them. Getting rid of 1/4 of my stuff wad relief…and I’m on my way to always rejoicing